MRI Simmons Insight's Crosstab tool allows users to search, pull, and edit criteria from survey data and add it to a report while sorting and filtering categories.
The Crosstab tool flows from left to right, where criteria are searched on the left side of the tool and added to the report on the right side of the screen.
For detailed information on using MRI Simmons Insights, visit the guide here.
To search for consumer information in Passport Express, choose the "Consumers" tab at the top of the screen.
Here, you will be able to Explore Analysis, Explore Statistics, and view interactive consumer data Dashboards.
To locate consumer information in Statista, choose the "Reports" tab at the top of the screen. Then, choose the option for "Consumer & Brand Reports."
Here, you will find more information about consumer preferences and insights for various industries, including full dossiers and brand reports.