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MKTG 4650: Promotion Management & Strategy

Locating Media Vehicles

Statista is a database that contains statistics, reports, and dossiers on a wide variety of subjects. Search for statistics related to popular media vehicles in the general search bar on the homepage by using keywords such as "podcasts," "television shows," "streaming services," or "magazines." Use only one or two keywords in your search to retrieve the most results.

Statista with main search bar highlighted

Use the "Sort by" dropdown box at the top of the page to sort search results by date of publication. Hit the "Refresh Results" button. Now, the most recently published results will appear at the top of the list of results.

Statista with "Sort by" drop down menu highlighted with Relevance, Date of Publication, and Popularity options displayed.

Use the other filters on the left side of the screen to limit results by region of geographic focus. Click the "Refresh Search" button.

Statista built-in search filters with "Regions dropdown menus highlighted.

SBRnet is a sports marketing database that is helpful if you are interested in the popularity of different sports, hobbies, and sports teams by demographic.

On the top of the screen, scroll to the "Summaries" dropdown menu. Here, you will see sections on Sports Gambling, Participation, College Market, and more. For information about participation in sports by consumer demographic, go to the "Participation" section. For information about the fan market and consumer fanbase of different sports, go to the "Single Sport Summaries" section.

SBRnet main screen with "Single Sports Summaries" menu option highlighted.

Use Google Advanced Search to locate information on the open web about popular and trending media vehicles. Use the "all of these words" search bar to include all of your search terms in your search. For example, searching "popular podcasts" will include search results that include only the key words "popular" AND "podcasts." 

The "region" filter limits search results by the geographic location where the content was published. The "last update" filter limits search results by time when the web page was last updated. This filter is helpful when locating up-to-date information on trending topics. Limit to "past 24 hours" or "past week" to retrieve current information on media vehicles that are popular and trending with audiences.

Google advanced Search main screen with region and last update search boxes and dropdown menus highlighted.