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Print Templates Archive: Adding a URL

Adding a URL

To add a URL to a template using iReport....

1) Select or add a Text Field template to your template.


2) Right click on the Text Field and choose the Hyperlink option from the menu.


3) A Hyperlink window will open. Choose Blank as your Hyperlink target and Reference as your Hyperlink type. In the Hyperlink Reference Expression box enter the URL you wish to connect to, enclosing the expression in double quotation marks. Click on Close to save your changes and apply them to the field.


4) Right click on the field and choose Edit expression form the menu.


5) In the Expression Editor box enter the text you wish to have appear in the field, enclosing the expression in double quotation marks. Click on Apply to save your changes and close the Expression Editor.


6) By default the text remains normal looking. To help your users identify that the field contains a link you may want to change the font color to blue and underline the text.


Here's what the template now looks like:

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