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Print Templates Archive: Images

About Images

Images that are to be printed need to be treated differently from images that will be emailed, e.g. an image included in a circulation notice.

Images in Templates to Be Printed
To use images in print templates that are to be printed, keep in mind the following:

  • All image files used in the template must reside in the same local workstation directory as the template created with the template editing application (the jrxml file).
  • Enter only the image's filename in the template. Do not include the full path (e.g., enter "StateSeal.jpg" rather than "C:\iReport\work\StateSeal.jpg").
  • You must import the image files along with the template.


Images in Templates for Circulation Notices and Receipts to Be Emailed
To use images in print templates for circulation notices, due slips, and Ecommerce receipts that are to be emailed, keep in mind the following:

  • Place image files on a Web server accessible to the public.
  • Include the image's full path and filename in the template. For example, you must enter "", not just "StateSeal.jpg". For more information, see Customizing Print Templates on CSDirect.
  • You do not need to import image files for email templates.

Adding an Image to Your Template

Images can be added to any template that you work with.

In this example a new image will be in the Title section of a routing slip.


1)  Select Palette from the sidebar menu.

**HINT: If you don't see a palette sidebar, you can use the shortcut key (Ctrl+ Shift + 8).**


2)  With the Palette sidebar menu open select and drag Image to the desired template section (Title).


3)  A window will now open to browse and select the image file.  Select the desired image to be placed within the template.


The image should now be listed under the Title section, and it should also be visible on the design view of the template.


4)  Click on the image, or select the image file name under the Title section to get the resizing handles to appear around the image. Resize as needed to fit into the space allotted.


The other elements within the Title section may have to be moved/resized for the template to display just right.  The template design can be checked by clicking on the "Preview" button.


Adding images is not hard, but it may involve moving or resizing existing elements for the template to display correctly.

Because this template will be printed you need to be sure you follow the image rules for printed templates:

  • All image files used in the template must reside in the same local workstation directory as the template created with the template editing application (the jrxml file).
  • Enter only the image's filename in the template. Do not include the full path (e.g., enter "StateSeal.jpg" rather than "C:\iReport\work\StateSeal.jpg").
  • You must import the image files along with the template.


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Replacing Images

Replacing this is as easy as inserting a new one.
1)  To replace an existing image select the image and then select "Properties" to expand out properties window.  The image will be highlighted to indicate it is active/selected.


2)  A properties box should pop up for the image that looks like this:


The image is defined by the Image Expression property.  You can update the image by replacing the old image name with the new image name.


Remember the image rules!

If your Templates will be printed (not emailed)...

  • There must be double quotes around the file name.
  • You must use the relative path to the file, not the absolute path.
    "uccs_kfl_logo.jpg" (relative path) CORRECT
    "C:\Millennium\Print Templates\uccs_kfl_logo.jpg" (absolute path) INCORRECT
  • The image file must be located in the same folder as the template file.

If your Templates will be emailed...

  • There must be double quotes around the filename.
  • You must use the URL, not a relative path.
    "" (URL address) CORRECT
    "C:\Millennium\Print Templates\uccs_kfl_logo.jpg" (file on PC) INCORRECT
  • You do not load the image file with the template when importing


You could use the following button...
iReport Browse Button open the Image Expression editor. Some may find it is easier to type in the file name within this editor.
iReport Image Expression Editor


The image may not refresh immediately after the new file name has been typed in.  If this is the case, save the template file that is being modified.  Now close and reopen the template file.  Once the template file is opened again the new image should be shown.

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