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Using MRI-Simmons Catalyst

About Composer

The Composer tool in MRI Simmons Catalyst is the selector tool for the Crosstab, Brand Catalyst, and Quick Report features. Composer allows users to search, pull, and edit criteria from survey and add it to a report while sorting and filtering categories. It flows from left to right, where criteria are searched on the left side of the tool and added to the report on the right side of the screen.

Depending on the product being launched (Crosstab, Quick Reports, or Brand Catalyst), the Composer will provide space for variable to be placed in a combination of Bases, Rows, Targets, or Columns. This informs how the data is selected, filtered, and presented.

Composer in MRI Simmons

Step 1: To access the Composer tool, choose the Essentials tab from the menu at the top of the screen. Then, choose the menu option for Composer.


MRI Simmons main menu ribbon with Essentials menu highlighted. Composer option highlighted.


Step 2: Here, the main Composer screen will be displayed. Note that the flow of the tool moves from left to right.


MRI Simmons Composer Screen displayed with search bar, definitions, and Boolean logic field highlighted.


Step 3: Search for criteria using the search bar at the top of the composer tool, or choose criteria by using the dropdown menus in the box on the left side of the screen. This criteria will appear in the adjacent box to the right. You can add criteria by clicking on the checkboxes next to the relevant criteria, or select the "All" checkbox to add all criteria.


MRI Simmons Composer with search bar highlighted, select buttons highlight, and Add button highlighted


Step 4:  To combine criteria using Boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT), choose a Boolean function using the buttons at the top of the box. When you have finished applying rules to the criteria, use the Columns button to add criteria to the columns of the Crosstab. Or, use the Rows button to add criteria to the rows of the Crosstab.


MRI Simmons composer with code box highlighted. Boolean operators, Columns, and Rows buttons highlighted.


Step 5: View the criteria added on the right side of the screen. Continue adding criteria to the rows and columns of the Crosstab until your report is complete. View selected columns in the Columns box on the right side of the screen, or view selected rows in the Rows box on the right side of the screen.


MRI Simmons Composer with rows and columns box highlighted


Step 6: When all criteria are added to Row and Column boxes on the righthand side, click the "Run Report." Here, the Composer tool will go back to the Crosstab tool.


MRI Simmons Composer with "Run Report Here" button highlighted


Step 7: Once Crosstab is complete, click the arrow button at the top of the Crosstab tool. The complete Crosstab will now be displayed. For more information on Crosstabs, visit the page on Crosstabs here.