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Using Statista

Citing Statista

To provide proper attribution to information found in Statista, use the "Citation Formats" function to generate a citation.

Step 1: Open the record of the Statistic you would like to cite. Navigate to the menu on the right side of the screen. Here, you can download the chart, graph, or table, or view more detail about the data and how it was gathered. 


Statista Source menu highlighted with "Citation Formats" function highlighted.


Step 2: To cite the Statista chart, graph, or table, be sure that the menu is set to the default "Source" tab. Then, click "Citation formats."


Statista "Select Citation" feature displayed with citation style dropdown menu highlighted.


Step 3: A window will pop up with options on generating and selecting a citation. To change the citation style, use the dropdown menu. Once the citation is displayed in the style that you would like, select and copy the citation to add into your bibliography.