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Using Statista

Browsing Statista

You can browse Statistics, Reports, Insights, and Infographics in Statista using the main menu. This is a useful function if you are unsure what to search, or are interested in viewing information within a specific category.

Statistics: To browse Statistics in Statista, navigate to the main menu ribbon at the top of the screen. Hover over the option for "Statistics." Here, you can browse Most Viewed Statistics or Topics for different industries. 


Statista main menu ribbon with "Statistics" option highlighted.

Options for industries include viewing Most Viewed Statistics and Topics in All Industries. Or, choose from Consumer Goods & FMCG, Internet, Media & Advertising, Retail & Trade, Sports & Recreation, Technology & Telecommunications, Transportation & Logistics, and Travel, Tourism, & Hospitality. Hover over any of these options to browse the Most Viewed Statistics and Topics in these categories. 

Reports:  To browse the Report Shop Statista, navigate to the main menu ribbon at the top of the screen. Hover over the option for "Reports." Here, you can browse Reports by category, or choose the "Search our Reports Database" option to search for Reports by key word.


Statista main menu ribbon with "Reports" option highlighted. "Search our Reports Database" highlighted within menu.

Options for Reports include Digital & Trend Reports, Consumer & Brand Reports, Industry & Market Reports, Politics & Society Reports, Companies & Products Reports, and Country & Region Reports. Click on any of these options to view Reports in these categories.

Insights:  To browse Insights in Statista, navigate to the main menu ribbon at the top of the screen. Hover over the option for "Insights." Here, you can browse Insights by category.


Statista main menu ribbon with "Insights" option highlighted.


Options for Insights include Market Insights, Consumer Insights, Company Insights, and Ecommerce Insights. Click on any of these options to view insights in these categories. As a note, the Kraemer Family Library's subscription to Statista gives access only to Market Insights and Company Insights.

Infographics:  To browse Infographics in Statista, navigate to the main menu ribbon at the top of the screen. Hover over the option for "Infographics."


Statista main search ribbon with "Infographics" option highlighted.

Statista provides daily Infographics to visualize data related to current events, issues, and topics. To search for Infographics by keyword, perform a search and refine your results to include only Infographics