After searching or browsing for content in Statista, use the main filters to refine results.
Step 1: On the main search results page, navigate to the left side of the screen to view available filters.
Step 2: Limit search results displayed by checking or unchecking the boxes next to the relevant criteria. The Statistics and Studies and Reports menu options refine results by type of resource that is displayed. The Expert Tool menu options limit results to certain categories like Industrial Forecasts, Consumer Forecasts, and more.
Step 3: Further limit search results by scrolling down the page for more filter search options. Limit results to a geographical region by using the Regions dropdown menu. Limit results to one or multiple specific countries by using the checkboxes beneath the Countries and Territories option. Limit results to a particular industry by using the Industry dropdown menu. Limit results by timeliness and currency by selecting an option beneath the Publication Date dropdown menu. Include older results by changing the option from the default of "no archive" to "All (incl. archive)" in the dropdown menu for Archive.
Step 4: When filters have been selected, click the "Refresh Search" button. To clear applied filters, click the "Reset Filters" button.