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Open Educational Resources: Create



Creating and Sharing Your OER

Once you've explored what OERs already exist, you may decide that no existing OERs meet your needs or could be adapted or modified to meet them. If that's the case, you may decide you'd like to create your own OER. You may also have developed an OER adaptation and are looking to publish it. This page provides links to workflows, publishing guides, and publishing tools that you can use. 

Getting Reviews

To ensure the quality of your OER, you may decide to invite a colleague or other subject matter expert to review your OER. Or, you might decide to test your textbook in the classroom and gather student feedback to determine how it could be improved. 

Things to consider: 

  • A subject matter expert or professional colleague is best situated to provide feedback on the quality and accuracy of your information. BCcampus provides this rubric to help your reviewers consider your work and provide constructive feedback. 
  • You may decide to publish your reviews (usually as a letter) along with the text as proof of peer review. In which case, you should certainly secure the permission of your reviewer to do so. 
  • Peer review is not the same thing as copyediting or proofreading (both of which are also necessary). 

Publishing tools

Below are a number of OER publishing tools. When choosing one, it's important to consider how you hope others, including your students or other instutitions, will discover your work. 

Michele DeSilva and Amy Hofer created this comparative analysis to help you understand the features and limitations of each tool. (CC BY 4.0)

Publishing How Tos

Best Bet to Start 

To get started and plan your OER creation process, check out this OER Workflow created by Billy Meinke and University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Outreach College (Licensed under a CC BY 4.0. International license). 

Resources on OER Publishing

Below are books and resources on how to publish an OER, with many covering every step from planning to release.