MarketLine Advantage has several main types of Analysis:
Which type of Analysis you choose depends on what kind of information you require for your research.
To view Industry Analysis in MarketLine, go to the Analysis tab at the top of the screen. From the list of options, choose Industry Analysis.
Here, you can choose to view Industry Profiles and Archived Industry Profiles, Industry Chartbooks, Industry Case Studies, and Value & Supply Chain Analysis.
To view Analyses for your industry research, go to the Analysis tab on the main menu banner. Then, choose the menu option for Industry Analysis. Finally, click which type of analysis best fits your needs For an overview of the types of Analysis covered by MarketLine Advantage, see the list to the left.
Use the search box to search for key words related to the industry you are researching. Use the Sector menu to refine results by industry sector. Use the Geography menu to refine results to a geographical region. Use the Analysis Type menu to limit or expand results by which types of analyses are retrieved. Use the Date menu to limit results to a range of dates. When you are finished refining your search results, click the search button.
A list of Analysis reports matching your search criteria will be displayed. To access the Analysis, click the title of the report. To download the Analysis, click the export option buttons to download the report as a Microsoft Word Document or PDF.