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Creating Author Profiles

This guide covers how to create and update online author profiles to represent your scholarly activity.

Why create an author profile?

Creating and maintaining public profiles around your research activity help further your work and make you recognizable.

Benefits of having author profiles:

  • Helps people interested in your research see your other works
  • Potential co-authors can find you and your work
  • Awards and grant committees can easily locate you and your work
  • Helps differentiate you from other researchers with similar names

Author Profiles and Features

Google Scholar

  • You create and have full control of what publications appear on your account
  • Public
  • Completely multidisciplinary
  • Provides citation information

Learn more about creating and updating your Google Scholar profile here.


  • You create and have full control of what publications appear on your account
  • Public
  • Completely multidisciplinary
  • Intended primarily to help distinguish you from researchers with similar names

Learn more about creating and updating your ORCID profile here.


  • Created automatically by Scopus, and not everyone will have one
  • Mostly contains research in the health and natural sciences, but some social science and humanities research.
  • Public

Learn more about claiming and updating your Scopus profile here.

Other forms of activity reporting/tracking

Digital Measures

  • Internal to UCCS, not publicly visible
  • Only for UCCS faculty
  • Helps UCCS keep track of faculty publishing
  • Automatically created, but you are responsible for updating
  • Allows for imports from Scopus, ORCID, and Google Scholar

Learn more about updating your Digital Measures activities here.


  • Biosketch format used only for NIH and NSF grant applications
  • You create and have full control of what publications appear on your SciENcv
  • Integrates with ORCID account for easy updating

Learn more about updating your SciENcv here.