Once you select a case, make sure you write down or save the elements that identify the case. There are five important elements to know. If you are citing in a specific style such as MLA, APA, or Chicago Style, consult your style manual.
Name of Case (underlined or italicized) | Gonzales vs. Oregon |
Volume # of the United States Reports (official reporter) | 546 |
Reporter abbreviation (U.S.) | U.S. |
First page where the case can be found in the reporter. | 243 |
Year the case was decided (in parentheses).You will also want to take note of the following: | (2006) |
You will also want to take note of the following: | |
Docket # | 04-623 |
Date argued: | October 5, 2005 |
Date decided: | January 17, 2006 |
Gonzales v. Oregon, 546 U.S. 243 (2006)
The official reporter is the United States Reports (US).
There are two unofficial, parallel reporters as well:
Supreme Court Reporter (S.CT)
United States Supreme Court Reports Lawyers' Edition (L. Ed. or L.Ed.2nd).
The above case would be cited in the parallel reporters as below::
Supreme Court Reporter (S.CT): 126 S. Ct. 904 = Volume 126 beginning at page 904
United States Supreme Court Reports Lawyers' Edition (L. Ed. or L.Ed.2nd): 163 L.Ed.2d 748, Volume 163 at page 748.