This is a list of library databases that have company and industry profile information available.
Business Insights: Global This link opens in a new windowContains company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies, and periodicals. Search this database to find detailed company and industry news and information.
This database allows you to browse or search for specific company profiles. This database also indexes information on the history of companies as well as their financial and investment reports. Full SWOT reports are also available for companies within this database.
MarketLine Advantage This link opens in a new windowOnline database of market research information including 30,000 companies, 3,500 industry profiles in 200+ countries, and 100+ company focused strategic case studies. Company news and financial deals updated daily.
This database provides extensive information about companies, providing SWOT analyses and information about business segments. This database is updated daily and has a feature that displays current news related to the company.
PrivCo This link opens in a new windowSearch for business and financial data on major, non-publicly traded corporations, including family owned, private equity owned, venture backed, and international unlisted companies.
Note: If asked to sign in, click "Direct Access" to use this resource without signing up for an account.
This is the only database at the library that provides company information on private companies. You can use PrivCo to look at company profiles and their financial information.
Reference USA This link opens in a new windowReference USA contains reports on businesses and industries in the United States and Canada. This database includes annual reports, SEC filings, corporate family tree information, links to up to the minute stock information, radius search functionality, real world data on employee size, annual sales and corporate contact information.
This database provides company and industry profiles, including company news and updates from the New York Stock Exchange. To search for companies using this database, choose the option to search U.S. Businesses.