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BGSO 4000: Business and Society

This is a course guide for BGSO 4000: Business and Society

Company Profile Databases

This is a list of library databases that have company and industry profile information available.

This database allows you to browse or search for specific company profiles. This database also indexes information on the history of companies as well as their financial and investment reports. Full SWOT reports are also available for companies within this database.

This database provides extensive information about companies, providing SWOT analyses and information about business segments. This database is updated daily and has a feature that displays current news related to the company. 

This is the only database at the library that provides company information on private companies. You can use PrivCo to look at company profiles and their financial information.

This database provides company and industry profiles, including company news and updates from the New York Stock Exchange. To search for companies using this database, choose the option to search U.S. Businesses.