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International Government Sources: Home

Government resources from around the world. This guide also includes IGO and NGO sources.

The Flag of the United Nations

The Flag of the United Nations. (via Wikimedia Commons)

What's In This Guide

North American Documents

In this tab, you'll find starting points for our neighbors to the North and to the South: Canada and Mexico.

Inter-Governmental Organizations

In this tab, you'll find starting points for researching with IGO resources. This tab includes documents from and related to the United Nations, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, European Union, and so on.

Non-Governmental Organizations

In this tab, you'll find starting points for researching with NGO resources. NGOs operate independently of any particular government but typically work to address social and political issues. The resources produced by NGOs for researchers complement data and documents produced by governments.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Larry Eames
(Mx.) he/him/his
EPC 218 - Kraemer Family Library