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Public Administration Research: Find Articles

Covers several areas of public administration research including traditional research for literature reviews, policy research, and legislative histories.

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Tips to Find More Resources

  1. Try different keywords! It's amazing how you get different results depending on your keywords.
  2. Try different databases - always try Social Sciences Citation Index, Academic Search Premier and Google Scholar along with those CJ and Pub Ad databases.
  3. Look at the works cited (citations) in the articles you do find.
  4. Use Cited By information to find more recent publications.
  5. Talk to your librarian!

ILLiad: Interlibrary Loan for Journal Articles

No UCCS holdings for your article?

ILLiad: Interlibrary Loan

Request that the article be delivered to you as a PDF by using ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan). This usually takes a few days - or less!

Library Proxy: Off-Campus Access

When you are doing research from off-campus, you will be prompted to log in to electronic resources with your UCCS username and password. This is just like logging into Canvas.

Click here if you experience problems accessing resources from off campus.

Next Steps: Research Databases

A database is where you go to find journal articles, magazine articles, and newspaper articles. Kraemer Family Library subscribes to 150+ databases and this is just a sample that students found helpful in the past.

Want more databases? View all the public administration databases.

Is My Source Scholarly? (A Checklist)

pictures of journals

Are you wondering if the article you found is scholarly? Ask youself these questions:

checkmarkIs this an article that was published in a journal? (Hint: Look near the bottom or top of the page for a journal name, volume number, issue number, year and page numbers.)

Does the article tell you where the author works (and maybe their contact details)? (Hint: Look for footnotes by the author's name.)

Is there an abstract at the beginning of the article? (A summary of the article, written by the authors.)

Does the article end with a bibliography or list of works cited? (There could also be extensive footnotes.)

Is the language in the article more technical than a typical magazine or newspaper?

Does the article's formatting look really boring? (No advertisements or glossy color pictures.)

If you answered YES to most of these questions, the article you're looking at is probably scholarly!