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Women's and Ethnic Studies Research: Find Books

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Browse the Stacks

Use these Library of Congress call number ranges to "browse" the shelves in the main collection. Note that WEST materials span several call number ranges. If you have a specific topic or a title you are looking for, search the catalog using a keyword or title search.

E184-185.98: American History/Specific Populations (including African American and Latino/a history)

HQ1088-1090.7: Men

HT1501-1595: Races (including race as social group and race relations)

HQ12-449: Sexual life (including sexuality)

HQ1075-1075.5: Sex roles

HT601-1445: Social Classes 

HQ1101-2030.7: Women & Feminism

Ebooks & Streaming Movies

To access an ebook or streaming movie, you need to use the link to view the eBook or streaming film above the Location, Call # and Status information inside the item's full record.

the view eBook link in a catalog record is above the information about the location, call number, and status

If you are off campus, you will be asked to enter your UCCS username and password.

Search the Kraemer Library Catalog

Use the Kraemer Library Catalog to find books, ebooks, DVDs, streaming movies, CDs, and streaming music owned by the library. You cannot find articles in the catalog! Need articles for your assignment? Search in a database.

book search icon

Kraemer Library Catalog Search


Advanced Search

Search Prospector

Is our copy of a book checked out? Not enough books about your research topic at UCCS?

Use Prospector to search the catalogs of other libraries in Colorado! If an item you want is available, place a request and it will be delivered to Kraemer Family Library. You'll get an email when the item arrives.

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Advanced Search

Find a Book on the Shelves

To find a print book, first identify the correct section of the library by checking the location of the book. Most books are in the "Main Collection" which is on the 3rd floor.

Reading LC Call Numbers

Books sorted in correct order by call number. The book described in the text below has call number N66 .B634 1999

  • N - describes the subject area: read in alphabetical order
  • 66 -  describes the topic: read as a whole number
  • .B634 - describes the author's last name: read in alphabetical order, then the number as a decimal
  • 1999  - date of publication: read in chronological order

If you are unable to locate the book or the book is missing, ask for help at the Circulation Desk.