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Women's and Ethnic Studies Research

Searching in OneSearch

Starting your search on OneSearch - which searches most of the library's resources including the databases and catalog - is probably the best place to begin your research. It will yield the most results for you which can be helpful when you're starting a research project.

Using the Library Catalog

The catalog contains the physical and e-book collections of the Kraemer Family Library. For WEST research, this includes monographs and edited collections which are some of the most popular types of published, scholarly, books.

Monographs typically cover one subject in intense depth. It will provide detailed knowledge of specific topic or event. Edited collections is a format the organizes chapters by different authors organized around a central chapter or theme. 

WEST Call Numbers

Use these Library of Congress call number ranges to "browse" the shelves in the main collection. Note that WEST materials span several call number ranges. If you have a specific topic or a title you are looking for, search the catalog using a keyword or title search.

American History/Specific Populations (including African American and Latino/a history): E184-185.98 

Men: HQ1088-1090.7

Races (including race as social group and race relations): HT1501-1595

Sexual life (including sexuality): HQ12-449

Sex roles: HQ1075-1075.5

Social classes: HT601-1445

Women & feminism: HQ1101-2030.7