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SOWK 3003/5003: Social Work Research / Research and Analytic Methods

Is it peer-reviewed? Is it empirical research?

What are some indicators of a peer-reviewed journal article?

Some good indicators to determine if you found a peer-reviewed journal article are:

  • Published in a peer-reviewed journal. Click on the journal name to see more information about the journal.
  • Cite numerous resources at the end of the article. 
  • Clearly list the authors names and their affiliations (where they work). 

Are all peer-reviewed journal articles empirical research?

Nope! There's many types of research published in peer-reviewed journals so you need to determine if it is empirical, or first hand research. Check the journal article's methodology section to see the data and types of data analysis used in the study. 

What can I do if I have a question if I found a peer-reviewed journal article? 

Contact your librarian or the library's research assistance service