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Leadership, Research, & Foundations Research

Searching for Books and eBooks

There tons of books you can access through the Library! OneSearch searches through everything the Library has access to and you can limit to either the content type Book/eBook or choose to refine your search to just eBooks or physical (print) books if you have a preference.


This OneSearch box defaults to searching just books and eBooks in the library's collection.


Accessing eBooks

Click on the book’s title to access an eBook from OneSearch. From there, eBooks may be formatted differently and have different functionality. Some allow you to print, while others only allow you to view them.

If you have any questions about accessing an eBook, you can message your librarian or contact our Research Assistance service.

Requesting Books from Other Libraries

Current UCCS students and faculty can request books from other libraries using our book interlibrary loan service called Prospector.

If you search in OneSearch and don't find the book you want, click on the Search Prospector button on the right side of the screen to start searching in Prospector.

After you request a book from Prospector, you will receive an email when it is ready to be picked up at the Library.