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UCCS University Archives

Mission Statement

The University Archives of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS University Archives) will identify, collect, organize and preserve materials that document the history and operations of the Colorado Springs campus and affiliated individuals and organizations.  The University Archives will facilitate their use for purposes of research and scholarly pursuits.


The purpose of the University Archives is to function as the custodian of an authentic record of the Colorado Springs campus of the University of Colorado and allied agencies.


Additional information about the Archives and Collections is available here

Access Policies

  • The UCCS University Archives seeks to make its holdings available for research use to the fullest extent. It is recognized that some materials must be temporarily restricted. 
  • Unprocessed materials are not available to outside researchers, but may be consulted by UCCS faculty, students, and staff members in the course of their research.
  • All processed collections without restrictions may be used by outside researchers. (Selected materials may require the consent of the Archives Librarian and/or Kraemer Family Library Dean.  Some materials in the Beth-El Historical Collections require additional authorization for use.)
  • University Archives materials stored remotely require a 24-hour request time for retrieval. 
  • Anyone requesting Archives materials for review must present a valid form of identification (ID) to the Archives staff before documents are made available. 
  • A current University identification card or valid driver’s license are acceptable forms of ID.
  • Archival materials will be used within the UCCS University Archives.
  • Records are arranged, described, and stored according to generally accepted archival standards; depending upon demand and potential research value, selected material may be processed in greater or lesser detail.
  • Permission to study archival material does not include the right to photocopy or publish the contents.
  • In giving permission to reproduce archival materials, the UCCS Archives does not surrender its own rights to publish the materials or to grant permission to others to publish them; nor does the Archives assume any responsibility for infringement of copyright.
  • Written permission must be obtained from the UCCS Archives to publish reproductions of documents or substantial quotes from them.
  • The Archives staff or the Library Administration has the right to prohibit copying of any materials, by photographic or by other means, that are deemed too fragile for the process or for any other valid reason such as donor restrictions, identifying information, or copyright restrictions.
  • The user assumes responsibility for adherence to copyright laws and attribution in use of the materials for research and publication. 

UCCS University Archives

Profile Photo
Mary Rupp
UCCS University Archives
Kraemer Family Library, Room 311

Hours and Location

The UCCS University Archives are open Monday- Friday, 9am-4pm.  Appointments are encouraged.  In-person and online appointments are available.

The University Archives are located in EPC 311 (third floor of the El Pomar Center, upper floor of the Kraemer Family Library; the door to the University Archives is located between the two display cases near the top of the main stairs).