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Art History Research: Home


On this guide you'll find resources to start your research in art history.

In the first tab, we have a collection of resources for finding images and videos that might be useful to you.

In the second tab, we have starting points for books and articles.

If you want someone to work with on your research, reach out! That's what I'm here for.

Browsing Upstairs

You may like to browse in the stacks! If you do, here are some call number ranges that might be of interest to you:

Art-General (N)

Architecture (NA)

Sculpture (NB)

Drawing (NC)

Painting (ND)

Prints, Graphic Arts (NE)     

Decorative Arts (NK)

Art Theory (NX)

Printing (Z 116 - Z 265)

Photography (TR)

Industrial Design (TS)

Typography/Typesetting (Z 250 - Z251)

Learn more about Library of Congress Classification here.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Larry Eames
(Mx.) he/him/his
EPC 218 - Kraemer Family Library