Databases, OneSearch, and the catalog don't work well if you use long phrases like, "How are certain eating disorders represented in films?" Instead, pick out the main ideas: eating disorders, represented, and films.
You'll get different results depending on which words you use, so it's important to brainstorm a variety of keywords to use in your search. Think about your main ideas that you plan to search and what related concepts or synonyms you could use.
If you're stuck trying to come up with more keywords, try one of these options out:
Combine your keywords in different ways to get better results. Link different keywords and concepts together using Boolean operators. In the pictures, your results would be the dark grey area(s) where the circles overlap.
Looks for results that include both terms. Use this to link different concepts that you want to see in the article. E.g. eating disorders AND representation.
Looks for results that contain one term or the other. Use this to combine similar keywords in order to find more results. E.g. eating disorders OR bulimia OR bingeing AND representation
Looks for results that exclude a certain term. Use this to elminate results that talk about a related issue that you might not be interested in. E.g. eating disorders OR bulimia OR bingeing AND representation NOT anorexia
When you have a term that includes 2 or more words, you should use quotation marks around the term to hold it together.
If you enter eating disorder into our databases or catalog, it will bring back results on just eating and on just disorders.
But you want results on eating disorders, so use quote marks to let the database know you want the whole term.
If you enter "eating disorder" our database will only find results that include this exact phrase.
You'll find limiters to the left of your search results when searching in most databases and in OneSearch. These are some common limiters and how to use them.
Use this limiter to restrict your results to recent publications.
Use this limiter to restrict your results to books, journal articles, newspaper articles, or reference books.
Use this limiter to narrow the subject area of your results.
Use this limiter to narrow your results to only scholarly and peer reviewed articles, but remember this limiter isn't fool proof.
This is one limiter you should not use. You might be able to find an article you're interested in, and the full text isn't online or isn't in that particular database. If that happens, email the article information to your class librarian or the research assistance desk to get the article another way.